Hoe kan ik mijn bestelling volgen?
When you have placed your order we process it the next day.
When we have made your shipment label we will share by email your
track and trace code.
Geeft terug
Hoe retourneer ik mijn bestelling?
We don’t think you would want to return your order but should that be the case. You can return your order in original packaging with the original labels attached to the address below:
Apples & Bananas
Frits Ruysstraat 34-D
3061 MG Rotterdam
Hoeveel tijd heb ik om mijn bestelling te retourneren?
We give a reasonable holiday time of 14 days to return your order.
Note: please download your return form on our website.
Waarom moet ik de retourkosten betalen?
We do everything within our power to get you a good deal also we go our ways to provide you with all the information and visuals you need to make a well decision.
Wouldn’t be fair to let us pay that,
Hoe lang duurt het voordat ik mijn geld terugkrijg?
We don’t ask for the same holiday time we give you but please give us 3/4 days to process your return.
Hoe kan ik betalen?
We love flexibility for that reason you can pay your order with the following payment providers:
- Ideal,
- Credit card ‘visa & master-card’,
- Klarna